Testing 1, 2 . . . 8

The Project: Music video for Roger's "Testing 1, 2 . . . 8"

The Client: Just me

Details: Premiere Pro let me down so badly on my last video project that I have up and quit Adobe. So I switched to Blackmagic Design's Davinci Resolve. To try to get up to speed in Resolve, I was practicing assembling and cutting, and decided to throw in one of my original tracks titled "128" (it's in 12/8, duh; and to think I used to write headlines for a living). Anyway this two-minute quickie is, more or less, my proof of homework. Most of what you see here is stock footage shot by neither me nor Luke, and yeah, I don't have a real band, either, but . . . hey, so what? I am an old dog, but learning new tricks is apparently still okay with me.

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